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Writer's pictureZsanett Czifrus

How to be at ease and work in the summer heat

Working during the hot summer months (or the few summer days if you live in Germany 🇩🇪🙃) can have an impact on your productivity and mood at work.

In Ayurveda, the Pitta mind-body types can suffer the most from the heat, as they already have the fire quality in their constitution and as it increases, you might feel overheated 🥵. Though all of us can benefit from being mindful of how to balance the heat and stay cool.

🌡️ What can be the symptoms? 🌡️

- Increased emotional state: irritation, anger, and frustration

- You might be more judgemental and critical

- Increased level of stress, and heated conversations

- Impatience and restlessness

- Desire to control people, activities and outcomes

- Feeling overheated in general

🧊 Hot to stay cool? 🧊

As a rule of thumb, reduce intensity in all areas, and avoid things that would burn you up (and ultimately out).

👩‍💻 On an individual level:

- Pace yourself, schedule undisturbed focus time to do quality work

- Avoid back-to-back meetings and plan a breather between meetings to create more mental space

- Eat and drink cooling foods with high water qualities, like watermelon, cucumber, cold soups, and salads, and drink lots of mint water

- Use coconut oil both for cooking and on your skin. Ideally when the sun is out, as after sunrise its cooling effect can be too much

- Use rose water on the face to refresh yourself. It can also be a useful ritual to energetically close off a client call or a meeting with your team and shift to the next task

- Rose, lavender, mint and lemongrass in the form of essential oils (the rolls are wonderful to use on the wrist and temples, I like the ones from the Primavera brand), or use the fresh version to top your breakfast and season your meals and drinks. It doubles as nourishment for the eyes!

- Color therapy: surround yourself with and wear cooling colors like blue, light green, and white. (Those who saw me on Zoom today could recognize it!)

- Nature: move a meeting outside to the park in the shade

- Utilize the morning and evening hours for activities like workouts, being outdoors, and brain-heavy jobs

- If you can, schedule a short nap during the day

- Shift your excessive workout to easier and lighter routines that you ideally do in the morning or evening

- Consume less alcohol and caffeine

🏢 At the organizational level:

- Avoid rapid decisions and act with consideration. You might feel the desire to progress quicker and speed up, but pacing yourself will serve you well this time.

- Again, the quality of heat can amplify emotions and turmoil can surface in teams and on the organizational level as well. Know that it's normal and be prepared to handle these.

Each season asks us to adjust our routines. Choose one or two ideas to start with, and listen to your own body and operations, and follow what leads you toward more balance and ease. ☀️🕶️


Are you a woman founder, or business owner or do you lead a conscious organization? Let me help you manage your time, mind and business effectively and holistically. Up-level your operations, be a conscious leader and bring balance into the life of your teams to create sustainable success. ☎️ Book your free intro call today. ☎️


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