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Writer's pictureZsanett Czifrus

13 ways of using your period to advance gently in your business

Period is a great time to embrace your creativity, prioritize self-care, gain clarity around your vision and let go of limiting beliefs. You can use the wisdom of bleeding to advance gently in your business while connect deeper to your inner knowing. If you rush through your period and miss appreciating what slowing down can offer, you likely become receptive to fear, doubt, confusion, insecurity and loss of purpose. When you give yourself permission to rest more and choose activities that align your business' needs to your body's functions, period can be the foundation to create a positive mindset and operate with resilient batteries in your next cycle.

1. Arrange your schedule in advance. Plan less interactions, leave networking events for another week and postpone making big decisions. A great idea from Britta @Vulvani is block your period days in your calendar.

2. Express your creativity. Make art, draw and use your hands to create. Write content, create social posts or design your website. Enjoy an inspiring playlist while you create.

3. Listen to your inner wisdom. Great ideas can come to you, be receptive. Trust your intuition, write down your dreams, ideas and insights. Want to crystallise your vision? Go for it! Journal and reflect:

What happened during this cycle?

What projects did you work on? What did you create, birth into this world? What insights have you gained?

What went well and what did you do to make it successful?

What opportunities are present for you in your business? What are you ready to let go of?

4. Rest. Period. Resting is just as much of an essential part of a successful business as having a clear strategy, working consistently toward your goals or delivering awesome service. Enjoy a long relaxation, do a digital detox day or practice shinrin-yoku, forest bathing.

5. Spend time in a female company. Join our community!

6. Be comfy. Wear clothes that allow the belly to breathe freely. No one sees your yoga pants on Zoom!

7. Allow time to release. Eliminate whenever you feel like you have to, don’t hold it back! It also applies metaphorically. What are you holding onto? What projects, clients or services are you still offering that do not feel aligned with who you are anymore?

8. Stay consistent and gently progress towards your original vision. Avoid making big shifts. When moving your body, soften rotations and avoid inversions. They place pressure on the active female organs and withhold the downward flowing energy. Practice soft and gentle movements both in life and in your business.

9. Make time to enjoy your meal and have a relaxed lunch break. Nourish yourself with warm and creamy foods. Warm helps to keep the body’s temperature and make bleeding easier. Creamy is associated with safety in our unconscious (think about the breastmilk, our first food-memory) that is calming in these open and vulnerable times of bleeding.

10. Eat light, work light. Menstruation is taking a lot of your energy, your body is doing hard work. Digestion is one of the most energy consuming activities in our body. Just like working less on these days, a moderate diet means less work for your body.

11. Engage in activities that are supported by the cleansing energy of bleeding: declutter your Google folders, clean up your mailbox (when was the last time you had zero unread emails?) or send out the feedback survey to a client. Don’t bother with cooking either. Order or ask someone to cook for you (great opportunity to practice how to ask for help!).

12. Use bleeding as a mindfulness practice. Lay down, relax your body, place your hands on the lower abdomen, and visualize your female organs. Bring your attention to the belly, softly breathe in and out. If comfortable, use pads so the blood can leave freely. What sensations do you notice when you allow the blood to flow? What thoughts, feelings and emotions are present? Breathe slowly and smoothly. Observe the exhalation. How is the quality of your out-breath? How long it is? Is there a break between exhalation and inhalation? Can you grab the exact moment when the exhalation turns into an inhalation?

13. Tune in to your body and do whatever feels right. Be aware when the inner critic shows up and starts blaming you that you don’t follow all this advises while bleeding. Menstruation is an art and we have some decades to experiment, practice and learn more about it and ourselves. Different periods in our lives come with different needs. All of them are right. Trust, listen and go with your flow.


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